Making Room
for Abolition
Making Room for Abolition is a body of work that aims to shift culture by collaboratively constructing decentralized, speculative artifacts and stories that prefigure abolitionist worlds. This project—initially manifested as an installation of a living room from a world without police and prisons—imagines abolitionist futures through the lens of the home, acknowledging that the artifacts in our homes reflect the social relations and systems that govern our lives outside. Embedded in the minutiae of each object is a distributed, intersecting set of speculative fictions posing questions about how we might live, labor, and pass time in an abolitionist world.
Lauren Williams
View of Making Room for Abolition in Monolith
at Red Bull Arts Detroit, 2021
Photo: Clare Gatto
at Red Bull Arts Detroit, 2021
Photo: Clare Gatto
Each artifact—currency, quilts, mugs, valued possessions, and much more—posits earnest questions about how our lives might shift to make room for abolition through a lens we can all relate to: home. It posits multiple futures, writes Black and Indigenous people into these worlds, and places these futures in conversation with radical organizers challenging the prison industrial complex in their daily work.
How Do You Flash Your Lights?